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StoneFly Inc. dives into Cloud Computing with the Stonefly Cloud USS™ Appliance

The new StoneFly Cloud USS ™ provides highly-available, efficient and scalable Cloud Computing Appliance for both Private and Public cloud infrastructures

Hayward, Calif. – September 13, 2010– StoneFly, Inc., a leading supplier of integrated IP storage area network (SAN) systems and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dynamic Network Factory, Inc. (DNF), has released the StoneFly Cloud USS™ a storage solution appliance made for cloud computing environment. With the ability to create a Private or Public cloud infrastructure, customers are able to offer cloud computing services to either external or internal end-users.

The StoneFly Cloud USS™ uses a new model of computing called Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) which in turn provides optimal hardware utilization, reduces power and cooling expenses, and allows the ability to allocate resources on an on-demand basis.

By StoneFly diving into cloud datacenter computing with the Cloud USS™ appliance, end-users can expect a solution that delivers highly efficient, scalable, and faster and easier deployment for cloud based services systems. This in turn creates an on-demand model for the delivery of IT resources in the datacenter.

“Stonefly Cloud USS™ Scalable Appliances provide a one-stop solution to our customers who want to create either a Private of a Public Cloud infrastructure,” says Bahman Jalali (B.J.), Director of Product Management at Stonefly.

The StoneFly Cloud USS™ Appliances comes in two models, Cloud USS targeted for mid size environments and Cloud USS 7000 targeted for large deployments. Both appliances are fully redundant for 24×7 availability.

For more details about the StoneFly Cloud USS™ or any of the Stonefly product line, please or .

About StoneFly, Inc.
StoneFly, Inc., headquartered in San Diego, was founded in April 2000 to deliver upon the vision of simple and affordable storage optimization and disaster recovery protection through IP SAN solutions. StoneFly is a business division of Dynamic Network Factory, Inc. (DNF), a leading maker of high-performance network attached storage, storage area networks, RAID and iSCSI systems. For more information on StoneFly, please visit or .


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