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Want A Thriving Business? Disaster Recovery in the Cloud is the Key

You have a sophisticated IT system that keeps your business running. The technology keeps you competitive. Not only is your computer system used by your local employees, but all of your remote team members and maybe even customers rely on it as well.

You take precautions to protect your data by backing it up and maybe even sending it off site but what would happen if a disaster makes your entire system inoperable. Even if your data can be retrieved from another location how long would it take to rebuild your entire IT infrastructure?

It can take weeks to get back up and running. Since in today’s business world little can be done without technology and communication tools how much would an hour of lost productivity cost your company?

So how can you protect your company from such a scenario?

StoneFly™ has the solution. With our disaster recovery service you will have a complete up-to-date standby IT system located in a secure data center facility. The standby system will mirror your internal IT environment and will be updated with your most current data hourly. In case of a disaster that affects your primary infrastructure, the Disaster Recovery system can be brought online in minutes and will be accessible to your employees, vendors and customers.

StoneFly™ will provide you with the written IT disaster recovery plan which can be used for regulatory compliance. In order to ensure that your disaster recovery system is working, we will work with you to conduct non-disruptive tests. We will bring up your Disaster Recovery system in parallel with your production system so you can verify that everything is operational.

We can also provide you with 24 x 7 monitoring of your production system so you know if there is a problem immediately.

DR Site in a Box or Disaster Recovery in the Cloud

StoneFLy™ offers two distinguished Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions in the CDR 365™ and the DR 365™. StoneFly’s CDR365™ provides an online backup solution that automates backup for secure and up to date cloud storage, perfect for companies that use cloud storage.

By storing your data on distributed offsite clouds, StoneFly’s DR 365™ Disaster Recovery (DR) appliance ensures that your corporate is secured from files or data loss due to human error, machine error or up gradation faults. Offsite cloud backup is implemented inexpensively and can be accessed anytime anywhere with unprecedented backup speeds.


Your Datacenter data is replicated multiple times in distributed remote locations to insure timely backup if and when disaster strucks ensuring that your vital Data and Applications are there whenever needed.


Can your organization afford to not protect one of its most critical business assets? Did you know that 93 percent of businesses that suffer major data loss disappear within 48 months? how about the fact that IT system downtime constrains the ability of businesses to generate revenue by 29%, or the fact that on average businesses in North America lose more than 159,000 thousand dollars per company per year owing to IT downtime.

Contact us today for Enterprise grade Back up and Disaster Recovery solutions.

Want A Thriving Business? Disaster Recovery in the Cloud is the Key
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