Data protection and recovery ranks among the top five challenges when Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are asked to identify the challenges they face. This rank for data protection and recovery has been consistent for years. This is because there are a number of variables involved that demand considerable considerations.
Studies indicate there are two reasons why enterprises and users who need data protection aren’t using a comprehensive data protection solution. These two reasons are: cost and complexity. These challenges usually stand in the way of customers acquiring a reliable backup and disaster recovery solution.
Challenges with Traditional Backup & Disaster Recovery
Costs are directly dependent on data growth. Data is growing exponentially, regardless of the industry. This means, that the relevant cost is also increasing explosively. The challenge becomes the reduction of cost while procuring a reliable means of protecting this ever growing pool of data. There are enterprises and users who have deployed multiple protection solutions. That’s because they have workloads and jobs that their operations simply cannot afford to lose, so they bear the outrageous costs that follow. The reason to bring this up is that apart from the cost, complexity also becomes an issue with multiple solutions. These challenges stand in the way of properly backing up data. Therefore, even though you may realize the impact of data loss and the damage dealt due to downtime; you still don’t acquire a backup and disaster recovery solution.
Twin Challenges: Cost & Complexity
Due to the cost and complexity, not many enterprises and users opt to protect 100% of their data with a disaster recovery and backup solution. The reason for that is the collective implications of cost and complexity. Other than that, some enterprises prefer certain compliance regulations to be met as well. There are other factors depending on the industry as well. For instance, if it’s a business environment then there are other challenges involved. There are challenges like how do I keep my business running? How do I limit downtime? These challenges are applicable side by side to the challenges imposed by disaster recovery and backup solutions.
Even if you do employ traditional means of technology to ensure high availability, disaster recovery, backup and archiving; there is a diminishing return on your initial investment. Specifically, when it comes to return point objects (RPO). If your data is mission critical and your operations cannot tolerate data loss, then that means you need zero RPO and you have to failover instantly. There are solution providers who enable that with traditional technology but the costs are phenomenal. The costs are so high that instead of bearing them you don’t mind losing your data to ensure some cost efficiency.
If you wish to retain your data for compliance reasons or for research purposes for longer periods of time, it becomes more costly as well. That’s because the data retention costs depend on the time span the data is retained for.
StoneFly DR365 Backup Appliance
and new user created VMs to be spun up directly on the appliance. StoneFly DR 365 also includes a backup agent license. This license is used exclusively for DR365 agentless backups for all VMs including Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, and Active Directory servers running on the appliance; without any additional costs. There are storage controllers and backup controllers in the DR365; these provide a diverse range of features and functionality for backup, data management, high availability and mobility.
StoneFly DR365: Cloud Connect with Public & Private Cloud
The StoneFly DR365 facilitates cloud connect to major public clouds and StoneFly’s private cloud. StoneFly is partnered with Microsoft Azure and Amazon, therefore you can backup your data to the cloud using DR365 in Azure or AWS. StoneFly also enables you to gain access to the low access frequency tiers of Azure and AWS. Therefore, you can have an effective and cost efficient way of archiving your data in the cloud. StoneFly’s private cloud features enable you to replicate your data and create images of it. These images are then stored and used when you need to recover your data due to data loss incurred by a disaster (artificial and natural).
There are a million reasons why you should choose StoneFly DR365 and not a single reason why you shouldn’t!
StoneFly compatibility ensures you get what you want
Regardless of which StoneFly product or solution you choose, you get to enjoy StoneFly’s compatibility.
StoneFly is partnered with Veeam, Microsoft, Amazon and many other mainstream service providers. You can use StoneFly’s products and services with your existing infrastructure without having to worry about compatibility issues.
StoneFly Cloud Connect: Unlimited & Reliable Storage in the Cloud
All of StoneFly’s products enable you to connect to a private or a public cloud. This means that you get access to a reliable appliance which also connects you to the cloud and gives you access to an unlimited storage space. You can also use the services of Azure or Amazon using StoneFly’s appliances. If you have data that you wish to archive, you can utilize the low access frequency tiers of the public clouds and archive your data at very low costs. This gives you a reason to secure 100% of your operations.
StoneFly also provides a scale-out NAS storage appliances; you can store your files and share them across a network. Using the cloud connect services of the appliance, you can also convert the appliance into a hybrid storage solution. With this hybrid solution, you can extend the data storage in the cloud and utilize storage tiers for cold and/or archival data.
StoneFly’s services and appliances ensure that your data is highly available and recoverable. StoneFly facilitates trustworthy on-premises storage and backup and provides cloud connect services that facilitate cloud storage, cloud backup and disaster recovery via the cloud.