You have production datacenters, you have a number of servers that are direct or network attached as primary storage. You need to have disaster recovery plan. You would do this through Backup and replication. physical and virtual servers or Apps. On-perm or cloud ? or both ? Restore or compete automated Failover and failback ?
These are some questions you need to answer . ..
Multiple Replication options exist for DRaaS
Multiple replications often exists for DR as a service and this is something you have to take into consideration. SAN-to-SAN replication actually require matching hardware. Host replication, and they would be agent based as well as the hypervisor replication and those are actually replicating constantly to other hosts.
There’s lots of different flavors to the stuff, different ways to look at it quite frankly depending on how often you need to update, how often you want asynchronous or synchronous, how much out of sync you are allowed to be. It kind of determines how much money you want to spend will determine which of these you are actually going to go after.